Selepas BERNIKAH, Syukri yahya buat KENYATAAN yang Mengejutkan Rakyat Malaysia. Siapa sangka kan. Peminat pun memang tak sangka Syukri yahya Sanggup berkata demikian.

Pelakon Shukri Yahaya ketika ini belum lagi merancang untuk berbulan madu namun dalam masa yang sama sudah merancang untuk menunaikan umrah pada tahun hadapan bersama isteri tercinta yang baru sahaja dinikahinya semalam (20 November).

“Sebelum pergi berbulan ma­du, kalau boleh saya mahu bawa Tya ke Mekah terlebih dahulu. Ini memang sudah direncanakan awal. Bagaimanapun, belum ada tarikh tertentu ditetapkan kerana jadual lakonan saya penuh sehingga ke hujung tahun. Mungkin awal 2016 baru dapat memilih tarikh bersesuaian,” jelasnya kepada Utusan Online
Pada majlis pernikahan mereka yang diadakan di Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Putrajaya, Shukri turut menyerahkan mas kahwin sebanyak RM300, sebentuk cincin emas berserta tujuh dulang hantaran dan dibalas sembilan dulang oleh pihak pengantin perempuan.

Majlis pernikahan tersebut di­sempurnakan oleh Penolong Pendaftar Perkahwinan dan Penceraian Putrajaya, Muhd. Redza Ahmad dan berwalikan bapa Tya, Ahmad Adnan Ishak.

Selain itu, setelah bergelar suami, Shukri mengakui bahawa dia kini mempunyai tanggungjawab untukmembataskan pergaulannya, baik bila berdepan orang ramai mahu pun di dalam lakonan. Apa pun, semoga pasangan ini sentiasa dilimpahi bahagia. (rtky/s)


Health care can be very expensive. Having a baby costs about $30,000, and so does the average three-day hospital stay. Health insurance is a way to reduce those costs to an amount that you can manage by sharing the risk with others. That works because most people are mostly healthy most of the time, so their premiums help pay for the expenses of the small number who are sick or injured.
Here are the three major questions you need to ask when picking a plan. 

1. What does the plan cover?

Insurance sold to people and small businesseses must cover 10 “essential health benefits." Any plan you buy, whether through your state's Health Insurance Marketplace or not, will pay for these services.
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Laboratory tests
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health and substance-abuse treatment
  • Outpatient care (doctors and other services you receive outside of a hospital)
  • Pediatric services, including dental and vision care.
  • Prescription drugs
  • Preventive services (such as immunizations and mammograms) and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes
  • Rehabilitation services
The rules for insurance provided by large employers are a little different but the vast majority them will cover the same set of benefits. To make sure, ask your employer for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, a standard form that will state exactly what the plan covers and doesn't cover.
It's important to know, though that some older plans may not cover this whole list of services. These are plans sold to individuals or small business (with up to 100 employees) that started before the new health reform law took full effect in 2014. Under certain circumstances these plans can be renewed even though they don't have all the consumer protections available with newer plans. If you have such a plan your insurance company will send you a notice about it before the annual renewal date. Then you can consider whether to keep it or to switch to a new plan. 

2. How much does the plan cost?

You pay for health insurance in two ways:
  • The monthly premium that you pay to purchase your plan.
  • The out-of-pocket expenses you pay when you receive medical care. Those are some combination of deductibles, coinsurance, and copays.
In general, if you pay a higher premium upfront, you will pay less when you receive medical care, and vice versa.
If you purchase coverage through your state's Health Insurance Marketplace, you may be eligible for income-based subsidies that lower the cost of your premium and in some cases your out-of-pocket expenses.


To make comparison easier, plans sold to individuals are grouped in standardized “metal tiers” with various combinations of premiums and cost sharing:
  • Bronze plans cover 60 percent of the average member's total health care costs and thus have the lowest premiums but the highest out-of-pocket costs. Individual deductibles for Bronze plans in 2014 average $5,081, according to an analysis by HealthPocket, a private health insurance data-crunching firm.
  • Silver plans cover 70 percent and have higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs than Bronze plans, with an average individual deductible of $2,907.
  • Gold plans cover 80 percent and have higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs than Silver plans, with an average individual deductible of $1,277.
  • Platinum plans will cover 90 percent and have the highest premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs, with an average individual deductible of $347.
Which of those plans is right for you depends on your health and your financial situation:
  • If you already know you have an expensive medical condition, consider a plan with a higher premium that covers more of your costs.
  • If you are generally healthy you might come out ahead paying a lower premium and a bigger share of your health costs, because those costs are most likely not going to be that high. Of course, you need to be prepared to pay more if you do unexpectedly become sick or injured. 
  • Are Progressive's online rates the same as rates from an agent?
  • How can I make payments?
  • Is my payment accepted immediately?
  • What happens if I mail a payment on the due date?
  • How does Progressive determine my insurance rate?
  • How can I receive rates for other car insurance companies?
  • Why did my rate change after I received a quote?
  • Does anyone regulate what you charge for insurance?

by (Eric) via Syok Kita

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